We aim to lightweight, simple applications.
Lightweight CSV Viewer apps.
The developer of this app is authenticated to the official developer of andro Idah as a developer of a safe and secure application.
1.CSV file viewing.
- Supports multiple data delimiter.
(Comma, Semicolon, Space, Tab)
- Display function of the line number.
- The default setting screen.(You can be set from the Options menu of the file selection screen.)
- Viewing the files in the ZIP file.
- Sort of data display function.
Operation : Tap on the header to toggle
(Disabled, Enable)
Supplement : By turning on the check batch setting, the same settings are applied to all columns.
- Ability to select the format in the per-column sort.
- Scaling of the browser.
- Available in the landscape in portrait orientation.
- Setting the CSV Header.
(Present, Absent)
- Specify the location of the header.
- Setting the char-encode.
(UTF-8 ، Shift-JIS ، EUC-JP ، UTF-16 ، EUC-CN ، EUC-KR ، EUC-TW ، BIG5 ، ISO-2022-JP ، ISO-2022-CN ، ISO-2022-KR ، ISO-8859-1 ، ISO-8859-2 ، ISO-8859-3 ، ISO-8859 ، ISO-8859-6 ، ISO-8859-7 ، ISO-8859-8 ، ISO-8859-9 ، KOI8-R ، KOI8-U ، UTF-16BE ، UTF-16LE ، BIG5-HKSCS ، BOCU-1E ، CESU-8 ، CP864 ، GB18030 ، GBK ، HZ-GB-2312 ، ISO-2022-CN-EXT ، ISO-8859-10 ، ISO-8859-13 ، ISO-8859-14 ، ISO-8859-15 ، ISO-8859-16 ، MACINTOSH ، SCSU ، TIS-620 ، US-ASCII ، UTF-32 ، UTF-32BE Windows-1253 ، Windows-1254 ، Windows-1255 ، Windows-1256 ، Windows-1257 ، Windows-1258 ، X-Docomo-Shift_JIS-2007 ، X-GSM-03.38-2000 ، X-IBM-1383_P110-1999 ، X-IMAP-Mailbox ، x-iscii-ma ، x-iscii-or ، x-iscii-pa ، x-iscii-ta ، x-iscii-te ، x-iscii91 ، x-iso-2022-cn-cns ، x-iso-8859-11 ، x-javaunicod x-UnicodeBig, x-UTF-16LE-BOM, x-UTF16_OppositeEndian, x-UTF16_PlatformEndian, x-UTF32_OppositeEndian, x-UTF32_PlatformEndian)
- Setting the filter
(Disabled, Select Item, Input Text)
- Reflect the attributes of previously viewed.
- To view the progress of loading documents
2.File Explorer in SD card.
- Can move up / back key is pressed.
- You can set an option to terminate the application directory back key is pressed.
- Display a directory higher in the back key is pressed.
- When booting from the other apps you want to display only files.
- Display all the files, or only CSV files.
(You can switch the default settings.)
- Display the updated date of file
- Extension support is as follows.
( .csv .txt .c .conf .cpp .h .htm .html .java .log .prop .rc .sh .xml .js .css )
There is also a paid version of this app.
The difference between the free version is as follows.
1. No ad delivery.
2. needs no special permissions.
4.Question & Answer
Q: Garbled each time file open. Be able to fixed the settings?
A: You can be immobilized by the following procedure.
1.Boot the file selection screen.
2.[Options Menu]-->[Preferences]-->[Encode] Select the character encoding to use well.
Q: Do you can not fixed header like Excel?
A: It was supported by Rev.3.3.0(2015-11-18)
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من CSV Viewer! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!